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Studies and Internships Abroad

Basic conditions

The participant must be a full-time student – it is possible to travel as part of a waiting period, staggered year, not as part of interrupted studies.

Each participant has 12 months in each cycle of higher education (bachelor's, master's, doctoral). A student can thus complete one long stay or several shorter ones (but it is necessary to observe the minimum prescribed length of stay). It is important to keep in mind that all study, practical and short-term mobilities are added together for a given degree. This also applies to all previous studies in the given study cycle.

Students applying for a traineeship can have credits recognized if their study plan at FAMU includes a subject corresponding to the content of the practical traineeship. If the student's study plan does not include such a subject, it is possible to recognize the traineeship as the equivalent of another subject within the study plan – such recognition is decided by the head of department on the basis of a recommendation from the department management. Recognition It is possible to recognize the traineeship as optional with or without credit evaluation (without credit evaluation, the internship can be listed as an appendix to the diploma). Everything must be specified in advance in the Learning Agreement, which the student fills out and signs before departure!




Find, approach and secure a company where you would like to do a traineeshipduring following academic year. Enter the addressed institutions in the internal application (see the list of documents below). Due to the interconnectedness of the production of school exercises and the mutual maintenance of the integrity of the staffs, it is possible to go on an internship only after written confirmation of the application by the head of the department and the Registrar Office.


Submit the completed and signed application ONLY THROUGH THE ONLINE FORM by the end of January of the relevant academic year.


ATTENTION: Incomplete and unapproved applications, applications submitted later, or in any other way, will not be taken into account. Consider the application as binding. If you decide to renounce an approved trip without serious reasons, this may affect the assessment of another application submitted in the future.



Provide the institution's invitation letter – free form, letterhead, exact description of internship content, duration, signature + stamp – must be sent from the company's email.



No later than 4 weeks before the start of the internship, all documentation related to the trip must be completed:

  • financial agreement – contact faculty coordinator
  • secure an individual study plan, or plan the fulfillment of study obligations during the exchange stay – it is necessary to deal with the Registrar Office and the management of your department
  • arrange travel insurance for the entire duration of your stay – insurance for medical expenses, additional accident and liability for damage
  • prepare and complete the Before Mobility section of the Learning Agreement for the Traineehip – see list of documents
  • supply other documents related to the increase of the allowance for INCLUSION support

Since the preparation of documents before departure for the winter semester takes place during the summer holidays, we recommend not leaving anything to the last minute.



After the delivery of all the necessary documents, the student will receive a financial contribution before departure according to the financial agreement based on the destination and duration of the internship.


Note. If the mobility continues into the next calendar year, the payment of the financial contribution is proportionally divided into two installments – the second installment is paid during January of the following year.

If there are any changes during the course of the traineeship – especially changes in the scope and duration of the internship – you contact the faculty coordinator immediately.


Credits can only be recognized for an traineeship if this was specified when signing the Learning Agreement before departure.



In order to successfully complete the internship, it is necessary to submit the last part of the Learning Agreement: After Mobility, completed and signed by the foreign company, upon return – this document must be sent from the email address of the company that sponsored the internship directly to the faculty coordinator's email address.


Within 30 days complete the final report in the database of Erasmus+ students' final reports.


If the number of days in the delivered After Mobility confirmation differs significantly from the data in the participation contract, the rectorate will calculate a proportional part of the financial contribution that the student will return.


If all the mentioned documents are not submitted after the return, student will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the participation contract. In practice, this can mean the return of up to the entire financial contribution.




MgA. Mgr. Petr Michal 
Head of International Department
Student Mobilities (Outgoing)
Inclusion in Erasmus+ Programme
Website of The International Department of FAMU
E-mail: erasmus@famu.cz