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Studies and Internships Abroad

We recommend that you make your choice of schools well in advance, carefully go through the individual offers of study programs and, in case of confusion, do not be afraid to contact the study coordinators at the admission schools for more information. Especially for doctoral programs, it is important to contact the school well in advance and find a suitable supervisor.

Since FAMU students are very interested in some of the partner schools, unfortunately we are often forced to reduce the number of applicants in the nomination months (February-April). If you want to consult your choice of schools in advance, please contact the relevant coordinator.


The House of Foreign Cooperation has restored the source of students' experiences from their study stays and practical internships and has made available a database of Erasmus students' final reports.




Visit the list of FAMU partner schools (see above) and choose up to 3 schools to which you would like to apply for a study internship in the following academic year according to the information on the study program and the language of instruction.


Rank the schools according to the level of importance – due to the high interest in some schools and the limited number of possible accepted students and nominations, it is possible that you might be asked to change the selection of your schools. The students who listed the school in the first place are getting priority.


Due to the large number of contracts, we do not accept applications for institutions with which we do not have an international agreement. With regard to the complicated financing of internships outside the EU, we are realistically able to send only about 7 students per year – when choosing, we recommend that you choose no more than one school outside the EU, as there is a risk that such an internship may be rejected for financial reasons.


Enter the selected schools in the internal application (see list of documents below). Due to the interconnectedness of the production of school exercises and the mutual maintenance of the integrity of the staffs, it is possible to go on an internship only after written confirmation of the application by the head of the department and the study department.


Submit the completed and signed application ONLY THROUGH THE ONLINE FORM by the end of January of the relevant academic year.


Incomplete and unapproved applications, applications submitted later, or in any other way, will not be taken into account. Consider the application as binding. If you decide to renounce an approved trip without serious reasons, this may affect the assessment of another application submitted in the future.


APPLICATIONS TO SELECTED SCHOOLS (winter semester: March–June / summer semester: September–November)

After the faculty round is closed, the faculty coordinator processes the nominations. After clarifying the ambiguities, the faculty coordinator sends the nominations (approx. February-April) to the partner institutions. After receiving the nominations from FAMU, the schools will usually contact you with the specific procedure of the admission procedure themselvesif this does not happen, you will usually find all the necessary information on the relevant page of the foreign institutionyou can then submit applications to all selected schools.


Keep in mind that application deadlines, submission methods and individual application steps vary from institution to institution. However, these are mostly the following documents:


  • curriculum vitae
  • cover letter
  • portfolio
  • European application (see list of documents)
  • Transcript of Records – issued by the Registrar Office upon request
  • ONLINE LEARNING AGREEMENT – study contract in which you fill in the subjects you would like to study at a foreign school
    • In the case of internships outside the EU, a special Learning Agreement for international mobility is filled out. For help filling in the necessary information, use the instructions for filling out the Online Learning Agreement.


After submitting on time, you are waiting for a decision. If you are accepted, let us know immediately which institution you will travel to. By the end of June, we should have clear information about the budget allocated to FAMU. Subsequently, you will be confirmed whether you can count on a financial contribution for the exchange.


No later than 4 weeks before the start of the internship, all documentation related to the trip must be completed:


  • sign the financial contract – contact the faculty coordinator
  • secure an individual study plan or plan of the fulfillment of study obligations during the period of the exchange stay – it is necessary to deal with the Registrar Office and your department management – it is a condition for signing the financial contract
  • arrange travel insurance for the entire duration of your stay covering medical expenses insurance
  • deliver an ONLINE LEARNING AGREEMENT – a study contract in which you fill in the subjects you would like to study at a foreign school
    • in the case of internships outside the EU, a special Learning Agreement for international mobility is filled out. For help filling in the necessary information, use the instructions for filling out the Online Learning Agreement.
  • to supply other documents related to the INCLUSION support

Without a fully signed Learning Agreement and proof of valid insurance, it is not possible to pay a financial contribution!

Since the preparation of documents before departure for the winter semester takes place during the summer holidays, we recommend not leaving anything to the last minute.



After the delivery of all the necessary documents, the student will receive a financial allowance before departure according to the financial agreement based on the destination and duration of the internship. If the mobility continues into the next calendar year after 28 February, the payment of the financial contribution is proportionally divided into two installments – the second installment is paid during January of the following year.

If there are any changes during the course of the exchange – especially changes in subjects and duration – all changes must be recorded within one month in the changed ONLINE LEARNING AGREEMENT – in the case of internships outside the EU, you should immediately contact the faculty coordinator.


Only those subjects which are registered in LA and which correspond to the later delivered overview of study results (Transcript of Records) can be recognized.



In order to successfully complete the exchange, it is necessary to submit several documents upon your return, which will be issued to you by the foreign department of the partner institution upon request:


  • Transcript of Records
  • Confirmation of Study Period – see the list of documents

Based on the Transcript of Records and confirmation of the length of stay confirmed by the receiving institution, the student fills out the Proof of Recognition form (see attachment).


Fulfillment of the study plan from the Study Agreement for a study stay and the recognition of individual subjects is assessed by the Head of the department or the Head of International Department in accordance with the content of the student's study program.


The completed and signed Proof of Recognition form is handed over by the student to the head of the foreign department within 14 days after returning from the study exchange. The Registrar Office of the faculty enters the recognized subjects and credit assessment in the KOS study information system on the basis of a duly completed and signed Proof of Recognition form and the head of the foreign department.


Within 30 days, the student fills in the final report in the Erasmus+ students' final report database.


If the number of days in the delivered confirmation of the length of study differs significantly from the dates in the participation contract, the rectorate will calculate a proportional part of the financial contribution that the student will return.


If all the mentioned documents are not submitted after the return, or if the student does not fulfill the minimum number of credits, he will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the financial contract. In practice, this can mean the return of up to the entire financial contribution.




MgA. Mgr. Petr Michal 
Head of International Department
Student Mobilities (Outgoing)
Inclusion in Erasmus+ Programme
Website of The International Department of FAMU
E-mail: erasmus@famu.cz