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Studies and Internships Abroad

Based on the cooperation of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague with the European Development Agency (hereafter ERA), future graduates of the AMU have the opportunity to apply for a practical traineeship even after completing their studies.


At the time of submitting the application for the traineeship, the future graduate must be enrolled in an accredited bachelor's, master's or doctoral study program. The internship must be related to the field of study. All administration must be completed before the prospective graduate's final exams.

A future graduate is a student who is in the last year of a bachelor's or master's degree, who after graduation no longer wants to continue with a subsequent master's or doctoral degree and can therefore go on an internship abroad after the final exams as a graduate. A future graduate also means a doctoral student who can go on a practical internship, as a graduate,  after completing his studies.

The period of departure for a practical traineeship is the period after graduation (i.e. the intern does not have the status of a student at the time of departure, but leaves already as a graduate). The trip to the practical internship must be completed no later than 12 months after the graduate's final exams.

A graduate's traineeship can last from 2 months (minimum) to 12 months (maximum). However, all months of stay realized as part of the Erasmus program in the study cycle preceding the graduate internship are counted. If the student studied/was on a practical internship within the Erasmus program in the study cycle preceding the graduate internship, e.g. 5 months, as a graduate, he can go on a practical internship for a maximum of 7 months. Of these, 3-4 months can be supported by a scholarship from the Erasmus+ program.


Application for the school round for a practical internship after graduation must always be submitted by the end of January via the ONLINE FORM.

Due to the great interest in graduate internships and the limited number of places, we would like to inform interested parties that priority will be given to those applicants who could not complete a study stay or practical Erasmus internship abroad during their studies (e.g. due to the characteristics of the completed study program or for other reasons), but also based on the recommendation of the department, study results, etc.

After the faculty application is accepted and the applicant is shortlisted, the prospective graduate is instructed to contact ERA. The coordinator of international relations (rector's office) will send all the collected applications to the ERA agency, specifying the order and the list of substitutes. In addition, in cooperation with the international department of the faculty and the ERA agency, a Learning Agreement must be completed before departure, which is signed by the receiving institution, the sending institution (rector's office) and ERA.


The graduate will receive through the European Development Agency, s.r.o. scholarship, which is provided in the form of a lump sum for a month of internship abroad. The amount of the scholarship depends (as with ERASMUS study stays) on the destination country. The scholarship provided does not have to cover all costs during the stay abroad, it is only a contribution. The scholarship is awarded for approximately 3-4 months of stay.


The future graduate will find an institution and, if necessary, ask for help from the coordinator of the European Development Agency, where he could do an internship, the content of which corresponds to the field of study. Information about the found organization will be entered by the future graduate in the relevant documents as part of the mandatory administration.



MgA. Mgr. Petr Michal 
Head of International Department
Student Mobilities (Outgoing)
Inclusion in Erasmus+ Programme
Website of The International Department of FAMU
E-mail: erasmus@famu.cz

Eva Kolingerová 
European Development Agency (EUDA) 
E-mail: eva.kolingerova@euda.eu