In the period 2021-2027, the European Union systematically focuses on inclusion as one of the priorities of the Erasmus+ programs. Inclusion and diversity means involving the largest possible spectrum of organizations and individuals in international education.
In all its actions, the Erasmus+ program in the 2021-2027 program period aims to promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion, diversity and justice. Organizations and participants with limited opportunities are central to these goals, and with this in mind, the Erasmus+ program offers them additional opportunities and financial support to overcome their barriers to gaining international experience.
In the interest of the easiest possible access to the mobility of students and employees within the Erasmus+ program, FAMU ensures equal and fair access and opportunities for current and future mobility participants from all backgrounds. This means the possibility of involving participants with limited opportunities, such as participants with physical, mental or medical disabilities, students with children, students who work or who play professional sports, and students from all fields of study that are underrepresented in the field of mobility.
Possible participant support can be divided into three groups of instruments according to its nature:
FINANCIAL SUPPORT – The rules of the Erasmus+ program allow additional financial support to be allocated to participants with limited opportunities.
FLEXIBILITY DURING THE LENGTH OF MOBILITY – One form of support for participants with limited opportunities is to provide the opportunity to participate in short-term combined mobility with a virtual part. This applies to those interested in mobility who, above all, cannot stay abroad for a long time due to a wide range of possible obstacles and thus would not be able to participate in the program.
EFFICIENT USE OF CAPACITIES – A number of institutions are also building capacities in the area of supporting inclusion. Communication with these dedicated workplaces is key, and they can often provide targeted and effective support for students and staff with specific needs. At the same time, the workplaces in question can better inform the target group about additional support for mobilities within the Erasmus+ program.
In the following two tabs you will find different models of support for different situations of disadvantage.
If you believe that your case should be the subject of additional support and you do not see room for it in the additional criteria described below, please contact the faculty coordinator. Likewise, contact us in case of questions or doubts.
Please take into account that this page may be updated more frequently based on practical knowledge and new experience from the implementation of inclusion, etc.
The increase is intended for students and employees of the university.
The amount of financial support represents 100% of the real costs related to the participant's disadvantage.
Financial support for inclusion is used to support a participant who, due to his disadvantage, would not be able to travel on mobility without the necessary additional financial support. Inclusion support aims to cover the required specific costs resulting from the given disadvantage of the participant. Such costs may include personal assistance, wheelchair-accessible accommodation, etc.
To receive inclusion support, the participant must write an application where they describe the necessary costs and their amount. All expenses must be substantiated by the participant with confirmations that prove the right to the given expenses.
The participant writes an application for inclusion support and informs the International Department of FAMU about the need for additional financial support.
Attach relevant confirmation to the application:
During the trip, the participant stores the accounting documents for the approved costs.
After returning, the participant, in cooperation with the coordinator, will make an invoice based on the documentation of all accounting documents.
Examples of claimable costs:
The increase is intended only for student mobility.
The increase is assessed in all cases in accordance with Act No. 117/1995 Sb., on state social support, as amended, which specifies the coefficient for confirming entitlement to child allowance. This coefficient is also decisive in the case of assessment of the mobility increase of the Erasmus+ program. Currently (as of 1/1/2024), the coefficient is 3,4 times the subsistence minimum for the given household.
The increase is assessed and granted before the start of the student's mobility.
A student can apply up to the age of 26 (including 26 years; the decisive age is assessed before the start of the mobility), all documentation proving eligibility must be valid on the day the mobility starts.
Confirmations that prove the right to a financial increase:
The confirmation is further supplemented by an affidavit that the student has no other income than was documented.
Age unlimited. It is necessary to document the birth certificate and at the same time:
The confirmation is further supplemented by an affidavit that the student has no other income than was documented.
A student can apply up to the age of 26 (including 26 years; the decisive age is assessed before the start of the mobility). It is necessary to document the receipt of the orphan's pension and at the same time the income of the household, which does not exceed 3.4 times the living and subsistence minimum. The amount of the subsistence minimum is calculated from the household where the student has a registered permanent residence.
The confirmation is further supplemented by an affidavit that the student has no other income than was documented.
A student can apply up to the age of 26 (including 26 years; the decisive age is assessed before the start of the mobility). It is necessary to document an up-to-date medical report, which shows entitlement to the required costs associated with specific dietary needs. In the case of a combination with inclusion support, it is not possible for costs to duplicate their purpose.
If the determined financial contribution cannot cover 70% of the actual travel costs, it is possible to request an increase that covers 80% of the total travel costs. Only for participants who are entitled to travel expenses (short-term mobilities, internships outside the EU, staff and teaching mobilities).
MgA. Mgr. Petr Michal
Head of International Department
Student Mobilities (Outgoing)
Inclusion in Erasmus+ Programme
Website of The International Department of FAMU