The international department of FAMU supports and ensures foreign contacts and mobility of students and teachers of the faculty and provides information about the possibilities of studying at FAMU to foreign interested parties. International mobility takes place on the basis of signed inter-institutional agreements (IIA) within the framework of international programs (especially the Erasmus+ program) and then within the framework of intergovernmental or interfaculty agreements and contracts.
An important part of the department's activity is help in organizing the participation of students in film festivals and workshops abroad, or providing teaching and seminars of foreign (and other) film professionals through blended intensive programs (BIP) and a mentoring program.
On these pages you will find the sum of all information related to the possibilities and practical questions of student exchange abroad.
For more information on the scope of foreign cooperation at the academy level, visit the website of AMU International.
3rd floor, door 345
Film and TV School
Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Smetanovo nábřeží 2
116 65 Prague 1
Personal meetings can be arranged by prior phone or email agreement.
The International Department of FAMU serves mainly as an administrative apparatus for the fulfillment of the school's foreign agenda, which is determined by the faculty leadership – especially the dean and vice-dean for external relations and development. The form of the international department is decentralized, individual workers are only responsible for part of the international department's agenda entrusted to them. Each sub-page contains the appropriate contact to contact to answer your questions. Contact the staff of the international department with targeted questions only after prior consultation with the website.
Updated on 1/9/2024
Mgr. Vít Schmarc, PhD.
Vice Dean for External Relations and Development
Mentoring program
Communication and management of conceptual activities of foreign cooperation
Phone: 234 244 370
PhDr. David Čeněk
Mentoring Programme
Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
Festivals and Short-term Mobilities
Phone: 234 244 302
MgA. Mgr. Petr Michal
Head of International Department
Student Mobilities (Outgoing)
Inclusion in Erasmus+ Programme
Website of The International Department of FAMU
Bc. Iveta Valášková
Coordinator of Erasmus+ Programme
Student Mobilities (Incoming)
Teaching and Staff Mobilities (Incoming)
Mgr. Andrea Petrovičová – contact person
Project Manager
Administration of Inter-Institutional Agreements (IIA), international cooperation, Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) and Mentoring Programme
Teaching and Staff Mobilities (Outgoing)
Phone: +420 234 244 339