The allocation of grants at FAMU is governed by the Scholarship Rules of AMU dated 4 January 2017 available here, in effect until 31 December 2020. With effect from 1 January 2021, grants will be governed by new Scholarship Rules of AMU available here. In accordance with the Scholarship Rules, students may apply for a results-based grant, need-based grant or grant for excellent creative achievements.
The procedure to follow is as follows:
The student shall complete a pre-printed form available for download (.pdf format) here. Students must submit the grant application exclusively using this form.
Applicants for need-based grants shall describe the relevant causes and circumstances of their situation; the Grant Committee may then ask them to complete or demonstrate their statements. Applicants for the grants for excellent creative achievements, which are intended primarily for the support of students presenting and further developing their excellent creative results domestically and internationally, shall follow the following instructions in completing grant applications.
They must state in the application: where they want to go, for how long and for what purpose, and attach a brief calculation of travel, accommodation and/or other costs. Travel costs must be demonstrated by boarding tickets and air tickets (including electronic ones) when flying, or a copy of the ticket and a proof of payment when taking a bus. Accommodations must be demonstrated by a proof of payment with the precise timing of the stay. Travel costs will be covered only up to the economy class level, and accommodation costs in an adequate amount (hostel, less costly hotel). Grant applications may be approved even without the proof of payment for travel or accommodation, but the grant will not be paid until after the submission of the proof of costs in the application itself or within 14 days after its approval.
The application must be approved and signed by the Head of Department or their deputy, and the student shall submit it to the Head of the Registrar's Office Eliška Pičmanová. The Grant Committee meets once every month and makes decisions on honouring/rejecting the applications and on the grant amount. The Grant Committee does not have to approve the full amount of the grant.
Grants are intended in particular for encouraging student participation in international educational projects such as workshops and masterclasses. Regarding participation in film festivals, applicants must demonstrate in the applications that the film(s) they are involved in were admitted to the competition (a printed e-mail message suffices). It is possible to provide a grant to two members of the film crew, each of a different profession, for one film.
The results will be posted here. Grants may be given retroactively, i.e., after the event, provided that the application is submitted within one month after the trip at the latest. The applicant must have the student status at the time of both submitting the application and the event taking place (i.e., no studies interrupted at the time).
Any grants to be provided are subject to the approval of the Dean of the Faculty.
Scholarship committee of FAMU was appointed by Dean:
Mgr. Marta Švecová (Vice-Dean for Study Affairs, Chair)
MgA. Tomáš Doruška
MgA. Alexandra Moralesová
Vojtěch Cibulka
The deadline for the scholarship application collection is August 31, 2024. The scholarship committee meeting is scheduled within 2 following weeks.
If a student is in an onerous social situation, he or she may be awarded a social scholarship in the form of a Faculty Social Scholarship and/or State Social Scholarship.
Faculty Social Scholarship
The application must be submitted by the student accompanied by official documents confirming the student’s eligibility.
Decisions on awarding a faculty scholarship in the event that a student is in an onerous social situation (under Section 91(2d) of the Act) are made by the Dean upon the recommendation of the scholarship committee and a statement by the department head.
If the student is registered for studies in multiple programmes of study, this scholarship may be awarded and disbursed no more than once for the period in question.
State Social Scholarship
A social scholarship can also be awarded under Section 91(3) of the Act and is awarded to students who are entitled to an allowance for a child under special legislation. The scholarship is awarded for the standard ten-month term of studies in an academic year.
The student shall demonstrate eligibility for a State Social Scholarship under Section 91(3) of the Act with a written confirmation issued upon his or her request by the state social welfare authority in accordance with the Higher Education Act. Should the situation change in such a way that this confirmation no longer reflects reality, then the student is required to report this change without delay.
The application must be submitted by the student through the faculty, and must be accompanied by official documents confirming the student’s eligibility.
Decisions regarding the awarding of a State Social Scholarship to a student in an onerous social situation are made by the Rector.
The student can exercise his or her claim to a State Social Scholarship only once for a particular time period.
Students may be awarded a scholarship for excellent artistic, scientific, research, development or other creative results contributing to the deepening of knowledge. This type of scholarship includes Dean’s Awards, Rector’s Awards and other artistic awards.
The application must be accompanied by official documents confirming the student’s eligibility, and can be submitted by the student or the department head.
Decisions regarding the awarding of these scholarships and their amount are made by the Dean upon the recommendation of the scholarship committee. Decisions regarding the granting of a Dean’s Award and the amount of such award are made by the Dean upon the recommendation of the Dean’s Board. Decisions regarding the granting of a Rector’s Award and the amount of such award are made by the Rector upon the recommendation of the Rector’s Board.
Students may be awarded scholarships in cases worthy of special consideration in connection with:
a) higher-than-usual student expenditures for studies; this concerns in particular expenses for travel and accommodation incurred in fulfilment of academic requirements (in particular participation in training courses, participation in competitions, the realisation of practical exercises and student concerts, and participation in workshops, festivals and academic stays); or, as the case may be,
b) activity performed over and above academic requirements, e.g. representation of AMU, excellent athletic results or exemplary civic acts.
The application must be accompanied by official documents confirming the student’s eligibility, and can be submitted by the student, the department head, the director of the DISK Theatre, the director of Studio FAMU, the principal investigator of a grant or project, or a member of the AMU Management.
Decisions regarding the awarding of the scholarship are made by the Dean upon the recommendation of the department head, the director of the DISK Theatre, the director of Studio FAMU, the principal investigator of a grant or project, one of the Vice-Deans or a member of the AMU Management.
The scholarship is disbursed from funds intended for the circumstances specified in paragraph
Requirements for Awarding Scholarships to Support Study Abroad
The application must be accompanied by official documents confirming the student’s eligibility, and can be submitted by the student or the coordinator of the relevant programme.
Decisions regarding the awarding of a scholarship to support study abroad and the amount of such scholarship are made by the Dean based upon the recommendation of the coordinator of the relevant programme, in particular ERASMUS+, or of the Vice-Dean for Foreign Affairs.
Scholarships to support study abroad may be disbursed in other than the domestic currency (e.g. in euros).
In the event that the student fails, without a reason worthy of special consideration, to complete the entire academic stay in connection with which he or she was awarded a scholarship, or should circumstances arise which lead to a reduction in or the elimination of expenses for the stay that were reimbursed in the form of a scholarship, then the awarded scholarship shall be modified proportionately. In the event that funds which are the subject of a proceeding on the reduction or revocation of a scholarship have already been disbursed, the decision shall also stipulate payment information and a deadline for returning the disbursed funds.
Requirements for Awarding Scholarships to Support Study in the Czech Republic
The application must be accompanied by official documents confirming the student’s eligibility, and can be submitted by a student of a foreign higher education institution or by the coordinator of the relevant programme to partially cover expenses connected with studying at AMU.
Decisions regarding the awarding of a scholarship to support study in the Czech Republic and the amount of such scholarship are made by the Dean upon the recommendation of the coordinator of the relevant programme, the Vice-Dean for Foreign Affairs, or the Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs.
Aktualizováno dne: 21. 8. 2024