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Registrar´s office, Regulations and forms

Any requests or appeals may be submitted in person at the FAMU Registrar's Office or by registered mail or by data message to the AMU data box. Submission by email is only possible with the electronically secured signature. Thank you.


Attendance and Examination Regulations of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AER) within the limits of Act No. 111/1988 Coll. on universities and the Statute of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague regulates the rules for studying in accredited bachelor's study programs, master's study programs and doctoral study programs carried out by the faculties of the AMU.


Previous AER including the complementary Dean's decree:


The most common situations of students specified in the Study and Examination Regulations of the AMU:



Students may apply for the interruption of studies at any time during their studies in accordance with the conditions specified in the Attendance and Examination Regulations, Article 14 Interruption of Studies. There is no legal title to studies interruption except in connection with pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood throughout the recognised period of parenthood under Section 54 of the Act, and except for interruption due to a serious health reason.

The period of interruption is included in the maximum duration of studies save for the exceptions above. The maximum total period of studies interruption is a period which, along with the duration of studies beginning on the first day of the academic year in which an applicant has registered, shall not exceed the maximum duration of studies. (Maximum duration of studies is 6 years for students of bachelor’s programmes and 4 years for students of post-bachelor programmes who commenced their studies in the academic year 2019/2020 and the following years. Students who commenced studies in the academic year 2018/2019 at the latest may interrupt their studies for up to two academic years.)

If the maximum duration of studies expires during the interruption, the interruption of studies cannot be ended and it is understood that the person whose studies were interrupted has discontinued their studies on the day of expiry of the maximum duration of studies.

In the decision on interruption of studies, the Dean shall define a period not shorter than 5 business days from the day that the interruption of studies is ended, within which the je student shall reregister for studies. If the student does not reregister for studies in the defined period, their studies may be ended in accordance with Section 56(1)(b) of the Act. This provision shall not apply if the student cannot appear for re-registration for serious reasons. The Dean decides whether the excuse is due and timely and the reasons serious.

Application for the interruption of studies

The application is to be confirmed by the programme guarantor and the Head of Studio FAMU, and submitted to the Registrar's Office. The Dean assesses the application.

During the interruption, the applicant loses the student status and cannot access the KOS information system or use their student e-mail, attend courses/classes, draw on funds or use Studio FAMU’s internal resources or live in a dormitory.



Students may apply for an individual study plan during the instruction in a semester in accordance with the Attendance and Examination Regulations, Article 13 Change of year. A change of year of study may take place only once while being a student of any programme. Students have no legal title to a change of the year of study.

Along with the application, the students shall submit their individual study plan with the mandatory subjects of the year scheduled for four semesters. In the event of a change in attending classes of mandatory subjects, it is necessary to submit an application for a change in an individual study plan; otherwise the plan will be rated as not completed and the student’s studies may be terminated under Section 56(1)(b) of the Act.

Study plans are available here.

Application for an individual study plan

The application is to be confirmed by the programme guarantor and the Head of FAMU Studio, and submitted to the Registrar's Office. In case of the request of the individual study plan due to the Erasmus or other international internship, the approval of the Head of the International Department is required. The Dean assesses the application. The decision is sent by post.

Please contact the Registrar's Office in case of ambiguity or questions.






A student automatically becomes a candidate waiting for the state final examination when they complete all the obligations defined by the study plan but do not apply for any of the announced final state examination dates. Students are obligated to verify having complied with all requirements. If in doubt, students can contact their Department’s secretariat and the Registrar's Office.

While waiting for final state examination, the student status is still in effect and the period is included in the maximum duration of studies.

In accordance with the Attendance and Examination Rules, Article 27 State final examination, students are required to pass the final state examination within two academic years from completing their study obligations defined by the study plan. (The students who commenced their studies in the academic year 2018/2019 or earlier may use the full two years for completing their studies. The students who commenced their studies in the academic year 2019/2020 or later must take into consideration the maximum duration of studies, i.e., 6 years for bachelor’s and 4 years for post-bachelor’s programmes.)