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Registrar´s office, Regulations and forms




Registrar's office will be closed on 26 November 2024 due to graduation ceremony. Thank you for your understanding.


Any requests or appeals may be submitted in person at the FAMU Registrar's Office or by registered mail or by data message to the AMU data box. Submission by email is only possible with the electronically secured signature. Thank you.

Ing. Eliška Pičmanová

Head of the Registrar's Office

E: eliska.picmanova@famu.cz
T: +420 234 244 310
Employee detail


Helena Peřinová

Registrar's Office Coordinator

E: helena.perinova@famu.cz
T: +420 234 244 319
Employee detail





Registrar's Office FAMU

Smetanovo nábřeží 2
116 65 Praha 1
3rd floor, door no. 340

Data box ID AMU: ikwj9fx (address your mail to Registrar's Office FAMU)


Office hours:

Monday: 10:00 - 13:00

Tuesday: 14:00 - 17:00

Thursday: 10:00 - 13:00


Other hours are designed to students with email pre-reservation to discuss more complex individual study problems.



  • answer your questions about the admission procedure and the recognition of foreign education;

  • advise you on bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies, answer questions about the study plan and the conditions for its fulfillment;

  • issue you a certificate of study;

  • help with and complete scholarship applications;

  • keep records of students and the course of their studies;

  • handle students' applications for dormitory accommodation, individual study plans, study interruptions, records of recognized parenthood, and more.


Where to CALL in a crisis - useful contacts