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Student Grant Competition


Vice-Rector of AMU for Research and Development and Artistic Research Ing. Filip Malý is announcing the AMU Student Grant Competition (“SGC”) with effect from 19 October 2022 for the distribution and use of special purpose support provided by the Ministry of Education for specific tertiary research in 2023, the rules of which are defined by Rector’s Decree No. 9/2016 and related agenda, with the deadline for electronic application submission being 21 November 2022 (1:00 am).

The Student Grant Competition is intended to support master and doctoral students’ research activities associated, e.g., with the preparation of their graduation theses or dissertation and, in general terms, with the development of their academic competence.


  • For the year 2023 the Competition is only open for one-year or two-year projects implemented between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023 or 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2024.  The funds can usually be drawn only from March of the year, i.e., after the allocation of the subsidy from the Ministry of Education to the Faculty’s budget.
  • The maximum amount available for the support of one project is CZK 250,000.
  • Applicants are either FAMU’s academic personnel (typically for students’ master research projects) or doctoral students of FAMU. Each applicant may submit only one SGC application within the entire school.
  • Other members of the project teams may be the students of doctoral or master’s programmes of FAMU or FAMU’s research and development personnel. Bachelor’s students may not be involved in project implementation. The number of the students involved must always be the same as or higher than the number of the academics and researchers involved in the project.
  • Applicants shall submit grant applications using the required form sent electronically to the Faculty’s grant department (petra.horka@famu.cz) in electronic form for review by the set deadline. The form in the .zfo format can be completed using the Software602 Form Filler application (available for download here), or it is possible to use a web form or a form in MS Word, because Mac users tend to face technical difficulties with .zfo files,)
  • The printed application signed by the implementer (and by the supervisor for doctoral student applications) is to be submitted to grant methodologist Petra Horká without undue delay after finalising the electronic version.
  • The project result should ideally be an output that can be included in the Register of Information on Results (RIV) under the current Methodology for the Evaluation of Research Organisations’ Results. Project outputs may be in the form of a scientific article, workshop, etc. At the same time, the output typically also is a part of the dissertation or diploma thesis.
  • As part of the project, it is possible to apply for funds for personal costs, scholarships for the students involved, travel expenses, material, acquisition of both tangible and intangible assets, and services.
  • Funds for the cost of edition can only be applied as part of project budgets if the applicant documents the stage of progress of a manuscript (an electronic version of the text can be inserted in the application form). It is permitted to apply for funds for the implementation of a project whose output will be the manuscript of a book only. If this is the case, it is possible to apply for the funding of the cost of edition in the subsequent edition of the competition or, as the case may be, after the approval of the manuscript by the NAMU Edition Committee, from the publishing house’s internal funds.

We strongly recommend discussing your grant applications, on an ongoing basis and in a sufficient advance, with Vice-Dean for Research and Development Helena Bendová helena.bendova@famu.cz as regards content and methodology, and with research and development methodologist Petra Horká petra.horka@famu.cz as regards the project budget.

Applications showing formal shortcomings will not be admitted to the competition.


  • Grant application submission: by 21 November 2022 (by 1:00 pm)
  • Publication of results: by 16 January 2023 (with preliminary distribution of funds; the final distribution will be announced after the Ministry has allocated the final amount for Specific Tertiary Research to the school)
  • Submission of final project reports in electronic form: by 15 January 2024


All publication outputs resulting from the project must contain the following dedication: ‘This study/publication/output originated at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague as part of the project “[PROJECT TITLE]” supported by special-purpose funds intended for the specific tertiary education research provided by the Ministry of Education in 2023.' The author of the text must mention their affiliation with the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.

Invitations to cultural events supported as part of the projects (workshops, conferences, etc.) should be sent to Ms Hana Šťastná, PR Manager, AMU (hana.stastna@amu.cz) no later than 14 days prior to the event.

If the intended project output is a scientific article, but it is not published in 2023, a copy of the article in electronic form must be attached to the final project report with a notice on the status of the pending review procedure. Output intended for publication in periodicals should be published by the end of 2024 at the latest.

