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Fellowship in Artistic Research


The Vice-Dean of Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague announces the Second  Call for Proposals for Funding the Artistic Research in the year 2024 under the program: “FAMU Fellowship in Artistic Research”.

The aim of this Call for Proposals is to support projects from the area of Artistic Research targeted on creating of publication results that will lead to the exploration of new forms of research through art, where artistic practice is both the subject and the instrument of research for the artists themselves.


  1. Supported projects must target for publication in one of these existing platforms such as ArteActa (category “On-line”, https://www.arteacta.cz), Journal for Artistic Research (https://jar-online.net), International Journal of Creative Media Research (https://www.creativemediaresearch.org), Screenworks (http://screenworks.org.uk), RUUKKU (http://ruukku-journal.fi), Transition (http://mediacommons.org/intransition/), Tecmerin (https://tecmerin.uc3m.es/en/journal/).

Therefore, applicants should first familiarise themselves with the type of results published on these platforms.

  1. An eligible applicant for the Fellowship is a member of FAMU academic staff who is an employee of FAMU throughout the implementation period, or a student who is enrolled in any accredited degree programme at FAMU and will have this status throughout the implementation period.

Each applicant may submit only one application as a (main) applicant but also may participate in other projects as a co-applicant, provided he/she is the co-author at least of one project outputs to be published.

  1. A committee evaluates the applications according to following review criteria:
  • The applicant’s previous artistic and scientific experience;
  • The contribution of the research to FAMU degree programmes and development in the field of Artistic Research in general;
  • Quality of the research plan (content, goals, methods and procedures of   implementing);
  • Realistic plan with regard to the chosen publishing platform.
  1. Within this call max. 2 Fellowships will be awarded in the amount of CZK 60,000 per project to be used to cover the personal costs of the applicant and/or co-applicant(s) participating on the project outcome(s)
  2. Should an applicant or a Fellowship holder become ineligible to carry out the project, or should any other circumstances prevent him/her from doing so, he/she is obligated to inform the project manager Petra Horká (petra.horka@famu.cz) immediately.


Call for Proposals: 1. 10. 2024
Application Deadline: 25. 11. 2024 14:00
Evaluation Period: 26. 11. – 5. 12. 2024
Results Notification: no later than 6. 12. 2024
Final Report Deadline: 15. 1. 2026


  1. The application must be completed using the prescribed form and submitted as one PDF file no later than on November 25, 2024 (14:00) through email to petra.horka@famu.cz.

  2. The application could be written in Czech or English language and contains:
  • The applicant’s short bio (including artistic and research background);
  • Research statement (2-3 pages, that is 500-750 words);
  • Information about the journal or platform from the field of Artistic Research where the project result is focused to be published.
  1. If other participants are involved in the project implementation, each of them must be indicated in the application form with their short bio and requested Fellowship amount, with the total amount being CZK 60,000 per project.


  1. The project must be implemented in the same period for which the Fellowship is assigned, from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025 and it is understood that ‘successful implementation’ means that the manuscript is submitted for review no later than on the last day of project implementation.

  2. Where the Fellowship holder is a student, he/she will be supported in the form of research, development and innovation activity scholarship under Section 91(2c) of Act No. 118/1998, amending certain laws.

The academic staff will receive the Fellowship in the form of remuneration for work done beyond the scope of their job description as part of the employment contract.

  1. The Final Report describing the project implementation and the results achieved shall be submitted on the prescribed form as a PDF file no later than January 15, 2026 via email to petra.horka@famu.cz. This report could be written in Czech or English language and its integral part is formed by the manuscript and confirmation of its handover/acceptance to the review process.

Failure to deliver the results in due time may lead to employment sanctions in the case of academic staff and in the case of students may be treated as a disciplinary offence, which will subsequently be discussed by the Disciplinary Committee of FAMU.


Should you have any questions regarding the program and project plans, please contact the Vice-Dean Jakub Korda, jakub.korda@famu.cz.

For questions on the formal aspects, please contact Petra Horká, petra.horka@famu.cz.

Mgr. Jakub Korda, PhD., Vice-Dean of FAMU for research and innovation.

1. 10. 2024