Filip Malý, in charge of the agenda of the Vice-Rector for Development, is announcing the AMU Project Competition as of 20 September 2024, the rules of which are defined by Rector’s Decree No. 15/2023, with the deadline for the submission of electronic applications being 29 October 2024 (2:00 pm).
The competition is intended for academics, researchers, and post-doctoral students in financial support of research activities leading to the development of research and/or artistic research output.
We recommend discussing your project plans in terms of content and methodology with Vice-Dean Jakub Korda ( sufficiently in advance before the application submission deadline. With regard to the preparation of the project budget, or if you have other questions on how to complete the forms, contact the Faculty grant methodologist Petra Horká ( The Faculty Grant Committee will not recommend any applications showing formal or concept shortcomings for approval.
Having completed the project, researchers shall submit the final report in electronic format using the required form by 31 January of the following year, providing a comprehensible project cost accounts and physical results of the project and/or, if applicable, justifying any deviations from the initial project plan.
If the project output is:
a) a technical book to be published through NAMU, the final project year is intended for its editorial and graphic completion and printing. A completed published book (an e-book or copy) must be attached to the final report. If the book is not published at the regular date prior to the end of the project, the researcher must apply for an extension of the project before it ends (see article 13 above) and attach the manuscript of the book in electronic form and NAMU’s statement on the status of and schedule for the publication of the book to the final report.
b) a technical book to be published through an external publishing house, a copy or manuscript of it must be attached to the final report along with a confirmation from a specialised publishing house to the effect that they received the manuscript and plan on releasing it within two years of the issue of the confirmation, and that the manuscript is at least at the stage of editing and/or review. The researcher is obligated to promptly inform the Faculty employee in charge about the publication of the book, submit the published book in electronic or printed form, and provide all the required information for the output to be registered in the RIV.
c) a technical article that has not been published yet, the final report must be accompanied by a manuscript and a notice regarding the ongoing stage of the review procedure. The article should be published within one year from project completion. The researcher is obligated to promptly inform the Faculty employee in charge about the publication of the article, submit the published text in electronic or printed form, and provide all the required information for the output to be registered in the RIV.
Rector’s Decree No. 15/2023, competition call and schedule, application form: