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AMU Project Competition

The Project Competition 2022

Based on Rector’s Decree No. 9/2020, the PROJECT COMPETITION for the distribution and use of institutional support for long-term conceptual development (“IP DKR”) of AMU in 2022 was called with the deadline for submission of the electronic version of applications by 29 November 2021. The competition is intended for academic and research workers and entails financial support for research activities resulting in scientific output, i.e., specialised monographs, articles in reviewed periodicals or proceedings, and organising conferences or workshops.

The precise wording of the call is available on the AMU website HERE .

Conditions of the Competition:

  • For the year 2022, the competition is open to science/research projects with a total term of implementation of 1 to 2 years.
  • The financial backing of the competition depends on the amount of the institutional support for long-term conceptual development of the research organisation. The expected amount to be distributed in this round of the project competition for 2022 will be approximately CZK 4,000,000.
  • The project result should primarily be an output that can be included in the Register of Information on Results (“RIV”) under the current Methodology for the Evaluation of Research Organisations’ Results.
  • Applicants shall submit grant applications using the required form electronically form to Peta Horká ( petra.horka@famu.cz ) within the set deadline. The form in the .zfo format can be completed using the Software602 Form Filler application software (available for download here ), or it is possible to use a web form (you can find the links at the end of this document).
  • Projects with outputs planned as book publications are subject to the rule that if the release is planned through Nakladatelství AMU, the applicant shall ask Director of NAMU Jan Heller (jan.heller@amu.cz) at least one week prior to submitting the application for the publisher to prepare such budget. If the output is to be released through an external publisher, project plans may only include the cost of covering the publisher’s anticipated loss; more detailed information is available in the relevant Decree.
  • The projects are first assessed by the FAMU Grant Committee; the final decision is made by the AMU Grant Committee, for which the assessment issued by the FAMU Grant Committee is not binding.


We recommend consulting Vice-Dean Helena Bendová ( helena.bendova@famu.cz ) regarding your project plans in terms of content and methodology in a sufficient advance before submitting your applications. For preparing the project budget and/or for any other questions regarding the completion of the form, contact the Faculty grant official Petra Horká ( petra.horka@famu.cz ) or visit her during her consulting hours (every day 9-11 am). Applications showing formal or concept shortcomings will not be recommended by the Faculty GC for acceptance.

Information and rules for approved projects:

  • After project completion, the implementer shall submit a final project report by 25 January of the following year using the required electronic form, providing a comprehensible project cost breakdown and attaching the physical outcome of the project and, as the case may be, justifying any deviations from the original project plan. The final version of the report signed by the implementer shall also be submitted in printed form afterwards.
  • Implementers of multiple-year grants shall submit an interim report on project implementation for the previous year in electronic year following each year of the project by 10 February of the subsequent year. The final version of the report signed by the implementer shall also be submitted in printed form afterwards.
  • If the project outcome is a scientific book, the final report shall be accompanied by a copy of the book or its manuscript along with a confirmation issued by a scientific publisher to the effect that the publisher has received the manuscript, plans on releasing it within two years from the issue of the confirmation, and the manuscript is at least at the stage of being processed by an editor or reviewed. The resultant book should be released within two years from project completion. In the event of a scientific article that has not been published yet, the final report must be accompanied by the manuscript and information on the ongoing stage of the review procedure. The article should be published within one year from project completion.
  • Dedications of project output: Tato studie/publikace/kapitola vznikla v rámci projektu "xxx", který byl podpořen z prostředků MŠMT poskytnutých Akademii múzických umění v Praze na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj v roce xxxx. // This publication is the outcome of the project "xxx" that was supported by the The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports – Institutional Support for Long-term Development of Research Organisations - Academy of Performing Arts in Prague in xxxx. The author’s name must always be affiliated with the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.




  • Competition call: 15 October 2021
  • Deadline for the submission of electronic applications: 29 November 2021 (1:00 pm)
  • Meeting of the FAMU Grant Committee: 6 December 2021 – 7 January 2022
  • Meeting of the AMU Grant Committee: 11–30 January 2022
  • Publication of the conditional decision on acceptance / non-acceptance / acceptance with budget reduction: by 5 February 2022