The Ordinance No. 2/2022 of Vice-Rector for Scientific and Artistic Research Activity
The Vice-Rector for Scientific and Artistic Research Activity of AMU in Prague is making the following call as part of supporting the development of AMU’s scientific infrastructure using the Institutional Support for Long-term Conceptual Development of a Research Organisation:
Support for Artistic Research and the Related Publication Activities for the Year 2022-2023
The purpose of the call is to support projects in the field of artistic research that are based on research through art (where artistic practice is both the subject and the means of research). The results of such research may be a gallery installation, a performance, a music composition, a video, etc. in combination with a publication output in text or text/audio/visual form.
Rules of the call:
A) Academic and/or research workers of DAMU/FAMU/HAMU or teachers collaborating with AMU on a long-term basis under an agreement to complete a job (“DPP”) or an agreement to perform work (“DPČ”),
B)Students in MgA. and Ph.D. programmes provided by DAMU/FAMU/HAMU.
Each applicant may submit only one application under this call as the main researcher.
Activities supported by other AMU grant competitions (e.g. SGS, DKR) cannot be co-funded from this call. External grants can be used to co-fund project submitted in this call.
Projects primarily of implementation nature, without the research dimension, will not be supported.
The following is an indicative list of potential publication platforms:
The funds should be used primarily to cover the personal costs of the applicant or the applicant’s team and other direct non-capital expenses associated with artistic research and its publication/public presentation (for more details, see the application form).
Budget changes during the project that are necessary for or beneficial to the project are within the researcher’s responsibility to the extent of 20% of the total grant amount (apart from the personal costs which can not be increased). Beyond this amount, it is necessary to apply with the Faculty’s Vice-Dean for the approval of such change sufficiently in advance. Any changes related to the output or which could potentially compromise the output are subject to the approval of the Vice-Rector for Research/Development.
This report/book/publication was written at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague as part of the project "xxx" with the support of the Institutional Endowment for the Long-term Conceptual Development of Research Institutes, as provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic in the year 2022 (or 2023).
A) Academic workers or teachers collaborating with AMU on a long-term basis under an agreement to complete a job (“DPP”) or an agreement to perform work (“DPČ”),
B) Students in MgA. and Ph.D. programmes.
Evaluation criteria:
The panel may do as follows with regard to the proposed project and budget:
A) Approve it in the required amount without reservations,
B) Approve it with a reduced budget,
C) Approve it conditionally and ask the applicant to rework the application.
A) Its artistic part is completed,
B) Its text or text/audio/visual output is accepted for a review procedure by the selected publication platform for artistic research.
The researcher shall submit the final report on project implementation and the resultant output within one month of the completion of the project using the prescribed form. The final report shall include the documentation of and reflection on the benefits of the artistic activity and a confirmation from the selected publication platform of accepting the publication output for a review procedure.
If a grant project is not duly completed, this will have implications for the future opportunities for applying for subsequent grant support in AMU competitions.
Both applications and final reports shall be submitted using the specific forms and in electronic form only, to be sent exclusively from the applicants’ school e-mail addresses to the following Faculty e-mail addresses:
Contact persons for consulting:
Important documents can be found on the AMU website at the bottom of this link: