E-mail: martin.ozvold@famu.cz
Phone: 234 244 340
Department:Art works (selected) Sound Design / Music Composition
2023 Prostor Ticha: National Cultural Monument Plostina
Permanent Sound Installation
Sound Design and Music Composition
2022 New Tense (Audio Documentary)
Sound Design
Premiered: BBC Radio 3,London.
Directed by Brit Jensen, Sound Design
Awards: Third Coast International Audio Festival Chicago 2023: Nominee Best Documentary Short
2022 Revue Kroky (Experimental movie, 34 min)
Sound Design and Music Composition
Directed by Jiří Havlíček,
Premiered:The 69th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
Produced by: Master Films and Czech Television
2021 Repuls (Feature-length fiction movie)
Sound Design
Directed by:Emil Križka
Premiered:International Film Festival FebioFest 2021,Prague
TV premiered: Netflix
2020 Anatomy of Fear (Audio-document series)
Sound Design and Music Composition
Directed by Brit Jensen and Jiří Slavičiský
Produced by: Audionaut/Bionaut Films
Awards: Prix Bohemia: Winner Best Documentary 2021
2020 Runner (Feature-length fiction movie)
Sound Design
Directed by Andrius Blaževičius
Premiered: KVIFF 2021, Karlovy Vary
Produced by: M-Films, Audionaut/Bionaut Films
Awards: Lithuanian Film Awards 2022: Nominee Silver Crane Best Sound
2019 Prázdno x VOID
Sound installation
GAMPA - Gallery of Pardubice (16. 7. - 13. 10. 2019)
2019 The Sound is Innocent film (Feature-length documentary)
Sound Design and Music Composition
Directed by Johana Ožvold
Premiered: l Visions du Réel International Film Festival Nyon 2019
Produced by: Cinemotif, Czech Television, Slovak Television
Awards: Nominee Burning Lights International Competition Visions du Réel,
2018 Matematika Zločinu / The Mathematics of Crime (Non-fiction investigative podcast series)
Sound Design
Produced by Brit Jensen and journalist Magdalena Sodomkova
Produced by Czech Radio
Awards: Prix Bohemia: Winner Best Documentary 2019, NomineeGrand Prix Europe 2019
2018 Peklíčko – A Little Hell (Feature-length audio documentary)
Sound Design and Music Composition
Directed by Brit Jensen
Produced by Czech Radio
Awards: Winner Best Documentary AudioREPORT, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, Nominee Prix Marulić 2021 Best Documentary
2017 Das Kapital (Radio documentary Short)
Sound Design
Premiered: BBC 3, London
Produced by: Falling Tree Production London
2017 Jaromír Stromšík: Úvod do práce s počítačem / Kurz (Theatre Play)
Sound Design and Music Composition
Directed by Johana Švarcová
Premiered: The international festival of contemporary art 4+4 Days in Motion, Prague
2017 René Levínský: Rekvalifikační kurz/ Course (Feature-length Radio play)
Music Composition
Directed by Johana Švarcová
Produced by Czech Radio Vltava
2016 Shumiky
Music composition (14 min)
Commissioned by Czech Radio Vltava Radio Acustica
2016 Černý dort/ Black Cake (Short fiction movie)
Music Composition
Directed by Johana Švarcová
Awards: Winner Best Movie FAMU FEST Student Festival Prague
2015 Aural Tectonics
Sound composition
With Raviv Ganshrow at Institute of Sonology, The Hague, Netherland
Premiered at radio Resonance FM London
2015 Sie in Ihm (Short fiction movie)
Sound Design and Music Composition
Directed by Rhona Muhlebach and Roman Hueben
Premiered: International Film Festival Locarno 2015
2014 Resurrection (Composition)
BEAST: Pioneers of Sound City of Birmingham Symphonic Orchestra, Birmingham, UK
2009 - 2015 Slovak National Theatre Bratislava, Department of Drama Holly Roth or Robert RothSings the Story of Jan Holly (Composition, Sound Design, Performance)