Animated film Deniska umřela (Dede Died) directed by Philippe Kastner from FAMU’s Department of Animated Film will have its global premiere at the Berlinale film festival in the prestigious Generation Kplus competition section, which globally premieres the best of both full-length and short films for children. Every year, 12 short films from around the world are selected for the Generation Kplus competition. The competing films are rated by several juries involving professionals, children and young people that bestow multiple awards. The 73rd edition of one of the world’s most important film festivals will take place in Berlin from 16 to 26 February 2023.
The Generation Kplus international competition section features films whose authors tell stories from the world of children, teenagers and young adults in innovative, authentic, and often critical or even confrontational manner. The section presents films across various genres – from feature to documentary and animated film to experimental works. The jury appreciated Deniska umřela for an inventive approach to the treatment of the topic of friendship and solidarity in various emotional forms – from joyous moments to sadness and coming to terms. Made as a school exercise in the second year of study at FAMU’s Department of Animated Film, the film tells a story of an animated hero losing his beloved household pet and dealing with the painful experience.
“It is a huge honour for me, even though I still cannot wrap my head around it – what an achievement! It never occurred to me before that something like this could happen, and it’s great to see that people like the film, especially since it covers such a personal topic. The death of a household pet is something that almost everyone has experienced in one way or another, so many viewers can identify with this story. I am very happy that, even though my Deniska has died, she can live on in this film,” Philippe Kastner commented on the success of his film.
This is not the first time that Berlinale is officially featuring a film from Prague’s Film and TV School. The last FAMU film that made it to the Generation Kplus competition was The Kite by Martin Smatana in 2019. This February, the Berlinale’s Panorama section globally premiered Somewhere Over the Chemtrails, Adam Koloman Rybanský’s graduation film.
15. December 2022