AMU Environmental Day is a collective celebration and a meeting of the entire AMU family, joined together by a love for the arts and the world wherein it is created. We all feel the direness of global changes evenly and believe that AMU's collective consciousness is active, fervent and aspiring toward opening itself beyond its boundaries. That's why we approached various artistic and university entities and invited them for an open discussion about where we are headed and in which ways we can yet grow. We are striving for a wise and thrifty management of our resources and working toward creating high-quality relationships based upon open and non-violent communication. We are learning to connect with nature and observe and reflect upon the sustainability of the world that we as artists conserve for future generations.
The main theme of AMU Environmental Day 2022 is that of the energy crisis and the budget cuts we are all currently navigating. The meeting shall be guided by established specialists, active artists and students of all three faculties (DAMU, FAMU, HAMU) through seminars, panel discussions, musical and theatrical performances, workshops, as well as clothing and indoor plants swaps. Come chill with us!
The information about the program and the guests shall be revealed consecutively.
5. September 2022