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Dear colleagues, dear students,

First of all, we would like to thank you for your patience and consideration in these complicated times. Above all, it is important to remember that health comes first, and we must do our utmost to protect the most vulnerable of us.

In view of the deteriorating epidemiological situation, yesterday the government adopted a regulation restricting the operation of universities with effect from 12 October 2020 0:00 to 25 October 2020 so that it also has consequences for our teaching: from Monday 0:00 will be possible only distance learning.

From Monday, our traffic light for all courses will be red. The internships of the first year are suspended for this and we are preparing their new schedule.

For the teaching of practical subjects, teachers are looking for alternatives for these two weeks, which can be implemented remotely (for example, work on topics / scenarios, theoretical preparation, preparation of technical scenarios, etc.).

The presence of teachers, employees and the ban on the presence of students are regulated by Decrees No. 22 (here) and 23 (here).

Thank you for your cooperation!

9. October 2020