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The Academic Senate of FAMU (“AS FAMU”) is organizing a by-election as a result of the expiry of mandates for five members of the AS FAMU. The by-election will take place on March 3rd and 4th 2021.

The format of the by-election (whether in person, remotely or online) will be decided by AS FAMU in accordance with its Election order based on actual epidemic situation and the academic community will be properly informed.

Two positions to be elected for the AS FAMU are from among the academic staff members and three positions are from among the students. Each member of the academic community may run for an AS FAMU position and each member has the right to vote.

The deadline for AS FAMU candidate nominations is February 3rd 2021 3 pm. The nomination letters in paper form signed by the nominating and the nominee have to be delivered to the Chairwoman of the AS FAMU to the FAMU Dean’s Secretariat Office.

The list of candidates will be published on February 4th 2021 on FAMU website and on the official FAMU notice board. A meeting of the academic community where the nominees will introduce themselves will be held on February 24th 2021 at 6 pm in U1 or online based on the actual epidemic situation.

The nomination letter is available here.

28. December 2020