This year’s edition of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival and Market will feature three student films produced by FAMU’s Department of Animated Film. The student film competition Graduation Films will feature Dede is Dead directed by Philippe Kastner and Carp Xmass by Anna Heribanová. Long in the making, Daria Kashcheeva’s Electra was selected for the main competition category of the world’s premier animated film festival.
Films produced by FAMU are a stalwart in Annecy. Four years ago, Daria Kashcheeva won an award in the student competition for Daughter, which was later nominated for the best short animated film as part of the Academy Awards. Philippe Kastner and his Dede is Dead have reaped success at this year’s Berlinale, winning a special mention. Anna Heribanová’s Carp Xmass is already known to Czech audiences, having premiered nationally at the Anifilm festival and been nominated for a Czech Lion Award in the Best Animated Film category. This year’s edition of the Annecy Festival is taking place from 11 to 17 June.
30. March 2023