*** Digital | Postproduction Facilities List + Frequencies Real time booking overview
REMINDER: Booking rules of Studio FAMU capacities↓ Booking of Studio FAMU capacities for the following day → weekend → or other Holidays must be made in dispatching app no later than 4.30 pm on the previous working day. Unconfirmed reservations are not shown to the Studio FAMU reception staff = The reception staff cannot issue keys / allow access to the workplace in this case. Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation. *** !! Notice → Café Studio FAMU (C-SF ) ←→ Beacuse of security and operational reasons, the C-SF is available MO - FRI until 10PM only. After 10PM / Weekends / Rector´s - Dean´s leave / Holidays → only person(s) working in the Studio FAMU facilities (editing / sound postproduction, e.g.) can be alowed to enter the premises of the C-SF via reception. Thank you for your cooperation/understanding. ***
Michal Horáček – Manager → Szage A / Gaffer: 234 244 429 | michal.horacek@studiofamu.cz
Václav Filáček - Stage A - manager / Gaffer | † February 2025