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Studio FAMU
Digital | Postproduction Facilities List + Frequencies
Real time booking overview
Calendar  Screening room FAMU  - Lažanský palác | Reference projection Studio FAMU
Calendar  Studio FAMU classrooms
!! Notice  from 7:00AM to 7:30AM is in process handing over of the shift between night security ←→ daily reception = limited availability of the Studio FAMU receptionist !!
REMINDER: Booking rules of Studio FAMU capacities
Booking of Studio FAMU capacities for the following day  weekend  or other Holidays must be made in dispatching app no later than 4.30 pm on the previous working day.
Unconfirmed reservations are not shown to the Studio FAMU reception staff = The reception staff cannot issue keys / allow access to the workplace in this case. 
Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation. 
!! Notice  Café Studio FAMU (C-SF ) ←→ Beacuse of security and operational reasons, the C-SF is available MO - FRI until 10PM only. After 10PM / Weekends / Rector´s - Dean´s leave / Holidays   only person(s) working in the Studio FAMU facilities (editing / sound postproduction, e.g.) can be alowed to enter the premises of the C-SF via reception. Thank you for your cooperation/understanding.
CZ area dialing code: + 420
Reception & Security (24/7)
234 244 411; security@studiofamu.cz
Reception & Security desk is taking care (taking evidence) about the short-term depositing of data handing over on HDD or film material (print / negative roll) for the Studio FAMU team only.
Reception & Security desk cannot take for depositing / take any responsibility / provide coordination / of any other kind of material receipts; data on HDD; etc. handing over between students / crews.
Thank you for your understanding.
Studio FAMU | Director
Ondřej Šejnoha: 234 244 402 |  ondrej.sejnoha@studiofamu.cz
Facility management
Jitka Luláková – Head of department: 234 244 404 | jitka.lulakova@studiofamu.cz
Oldřich Mony – Facility technician | Property manager: 234 244 404 |  oldrich.mony@studiofamu.cz
Screening rooms + Classroom Dispatching | Archive | Licensing | Co-ordination - modules | made-to-order operations
Věra Hoffmannová - Head of office:  234 244 440 |  vera.hoffmannova@studiofamu.cz
Production dept.
Tomáš Šimon – Production manager & Head of department: +420 234 244 420 |  tomas.simon@studiofamu.cz
Lenka Medová - Production manager & Deputy Head: +420 234 244 443 |  lenka.medova@studiofamu.cz
Tereza Medková - Production manager: +420 234 244 417 | tereza.medkova@studiofamu.cz
Simona Spačková - Production manager: +420 234 244 444 | simona.spackova@studiofamu.cz
Alena Prokopová (Office hours: Mo - Thu / 10:00 - 17:00) - Production manager: +420 234 244 416 | ala.prokopova@studiofamu.cz
Studio FAMU Reference Projection | FAMU main bulding screening room
Queries | Availability SF Reference Projection  vera.hoffmannova@studiofamu.cz | 234 244 440
Queries | Availability   FAMU main bulding screening room  projekce@famu.cz | 234 244 315
 Calendar SF Reference Projection Calendar FAMU main bulding screening room
General e-mail: rp@studiofamu.cz projekce@famu.cz 
Benjamin Kolmačka - Head of technicinas & Projectionist: Reference projection: 234 244 450 | benjamin.kolmacka@studiofamu.cz
Petr Váně - Technicina & Projectionist: Reference projection: 234 244 426 | petr.vane@studiofamu.cz
Martin Plitz - Head Projectionist / Technician: FAMU main building screening room: 234 244 315 | martin.plitz@studiofamu.cz
Karolína Schön - Projectionist: FAMU main screening room: 234 244 315 | karolina.schon@studiofamu.cz
Jan Kubíček - Projectionist: FAMU main screening room: 234 244 315 | jan.kubicek@studiofamu.cz
TV dept. | Data management & workflow dept. | Central data storage | Picture Postproduction Facilities
Jan Kovačovič - 234 244 418 | jan.kovacovic@studiofamu.cz
– Head of TV dept. & Head of operations Picture postproduction facilities
-  Lead Data / Workflow manager
Tereza Stehlíková - 234 244 222 | tereza.stehlíková@studiofamu.cz
- Head of coordination of Central data storage SF
- Technician TV dept. | Data-management - Data Ingest | Picture postproduction technician
Analog Digital Editing Facilities & Grading Facilities
Digital editing & grading facilities Team of TV dept.: 234 244 418
Analog editing facilities Benjamin Kolmačka | benjamin.kolmacka@studiofamu.cz
Sound Department & Sound Postproduction Facilities
Martin Kebrdle – Department Head: 234 244 412 | martin.kebrdle@studiofamu.cz
Daniel Simon - Technician: 234 244 419 | daniel.simon@studiofamu.cz
Josef Hubka - Technician: 234 244 412 | josef.hubka@studiofamu.cz

Analog Digital | Grip | Lighting Equipment Department
Miroslav Šírek – Department Head (camera / grip / lighting equipment): 234 244 424 | miroslav.sirek@studiofamu.cz
Lubomír Michálek - Technician (camera / grip / lighting): 234 244 438 | lubomir.michalek@studiofamu.cz
Václav Humeček - Technician (film cameras - service coordinator)
Decorations/Props & Set Construction Department / Offices located in rear of Studio B – gallery
Phone: 234 244 431
Petra Šírková (Lebdušková) – Head of Set-design/Props Dept.: 234 244 431 | petra.sirkova@studiofamu.cz
Simona Zemanová – coordination (fundus): simona.zemanova@studiofamu.cz
Tomáš Tesařík – Head of Set Construction Department: 234 244 430 | tomas.tesarik@studiofamu.cz
Michal Weizer – Set Construction Department: 234 244 430 | michal.weizer@studiofamu.cz
Lighting Department (Gaffer services) + Studios A & B
Attila Panajotov – Manager → Stage B / Gaffer / Technician: 234 244 428 | attila.panajotov@studiofamu.cz

Michal Horáček – Manager → Szage  A / Gaffer: 234 244 429 | michal.horacek@studiofamu.cz


FAMU International Office
Michael Gahut: 234 244 439 |  michael.gahut@famu.cz
Petr Masařík – IT Manager: 234 244 408 | petr.masarik@famu.cz
Maternity leave
Zuzana Hadravová
Klára Chmúra
In our memories
Vít Petrášek – Head of TV dept. | † August 2021
Ladislav Cibulka - Property technician/Driver | † February 2024

Václav Filáček  - Stage A - manager / Gaffer | † February 2025