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Organisational Structure

The Technology Committee acts as an advisor to the Dean of FAMU and is governed by the Statuses of the FAMU Technology Committee (Dean's Decree no. 3/2019). 


Ondřej Šejnoha (Director of Studio FAMU)

Members – internal:

MgA. Tomáš Doruška (Department of Editing)
Jan Kovačovič (Head of FAMU Studio TV Department)
prof. Mgr. Jiří Myslík (Department of Cinematography )
prof. Mgr. Pavel Rejholec (Department of Sound )
MgA. Andrej Sýkora (Department of Game Design ) 

Members - external:
Patrik Hradecký
Michal Mocňák

Student´s Representative:

Tomáš Riederer (Producing Department)

The Statutes of the FAMU Technology Committee

1.    The Technology Committee (hereinafter “TC”) is an independent body that examines, assesses and proposes technical and technological solutions and conceptual strategies in relation to the facilitation of class teaching and practical exercise production at FAMU.
2.    The TC consists of 9 members including the Chairman, of which 6 are internal members, 2 members are external and 1 member represents FAMU students. The TC members are appointed and removed by the Dean of FAMU.
3.    In the event of taking a vote on a resolution, the members have one vote each; the Committee has a quorum if at least 5 members are present.
4.    The Committee may invite independent experts or request an expert opinion on any matter discussed.
5.    The Committee is involved in the preparation of the Long-Term AMU Plan and its annual review in the field of technology.
6.    Upon approval by the Dean’s Committee, the TC decisions become binding for FAMU and FAMU Studio staff members.
7.    Authorised staff (teachers, employees) who are in charge of implementation of the relevant decision report to their direct supervisors, or to the Dean. The responsibility for a failure to complete a task resulting from a TC resolution in the FAMU Studio is borne by the relevant department head, or the Head of FAMU Studio.
8.    The Dean has a right to change the decision of the Committee in justified cases, particularly due to changes in the conceptual plan of the training and operation areas, as well as due to changes in the financial plan. The Dean shall submit his decision to the Committee in due time to allow the Committee to find a substitute decision well in advance.
9.    The meetings of the Committee are open; access is granted to academic community members, FAMU students and employees and FAMU Studio staff members.
10.    The conclusions from the meetings are published as minutes at www.famu.cz.
11.    These Statutes come into force on January 6, 2017