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Access "Login needed" = 

  • for login outside the AMU network, use your standard AMU credentials;
  • within the AMU network, access is free, no login is required.



Main areas



Oxford Bibliographies Subjects: Cinema and Media Studies, Art History, Communication, Management, Sociology. Detailed entries with recommended literature.
More information here.
Encyclopedia online Login needed

Film & Television Literature Index™ with Full Text (EBSCO)

Film and TV theory, history, production, technique, reviews.
More information here.

Articles and books database

Login needed


Films, creators, theory, history, production, technique, reviews.
More information here.

Articles and books database

Login needed

Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive Film, TV, popular culture. Influential US and UK magazines from 1905 to 2000. Their list is here. Articles database Login needed

JSTOR – Arts & Sciences III

Film and TV (theory, history, reviews), Art and art history, Architecture, Folklore, Language and literature, Music, Performing arts

Articles and books database

Login needed

Dance Studies Collection Free access to primary sources in the field of dance: photographs, correspondence, magazines, dance notation, and other materials. Archive  materials database from AMU
from outside AMU
(login needed)
Performance Design Archive Online Collection of theatre production design, from the 17th century through to the present day: scenic and set design, lighting design, sound design, costume design, and makeup. It contains books and periodicals, archival material, and specially commissioned instructional videos. Archive  materials database from AMU
from outside AMU
(login needed)

Theses Online Archive (AMU DSpace)

The full texts of theses are made accessible after login with standard AMU credentials. Title, abstract etc. are accessible free.
More information here.

Theses Archive

Free access

Open Research Library

A multidisciplinary full-text digital library with more than 14.000 books from Bloomsbury, Routledge, The MIT Press etc.
Search tips here.


Free access

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

A multidisciplinary database with more than 47.000 books available for download.
Search tips here.


Free access


All about Czech and Slovak visual arts. Persons, institutions, exhibitions, documents: books, magazines, reviews, photos etc.

Art Archive

Free access

DART-Europe E-theses Portal

Digital library of theses from European universities.
Search tips here.

Theses Archive

Free access

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

Distributed digital library of theses from around the world.
Search tips here.

Theses Archive

Free access




Main areas



Ethnographic Video Online IV, Festivals and Archives Documentaries. Anthropological and folklore films from contemporary ethnographic film festivals. Video database from AMU
from outside AMU
(login needed)


Experimental films (contemporary art, culture, activism, philosophy, and technology). More information here.

Video database

Login needed

Routledge performance archive

Theatre, dance. Interviews with key figures in performance history and contemporary practice, masterclasses with specialist performance trainers from around the world, it also contains recordings of contemporary productions, etc.
More information here.

Video database

Login needed

Theatre in Video Video of live performances, audio recordings, previously unpublished works from acclaimed playwrights, film scripts, reference materials, photographs, performance posters, playbills, etc. Video database from AMU
from outside AMU
(login needed)
National Theatre Collection Digital performance resources never previously seen outside of the National Theatre’s archive. Includes exclusive digitized archival materials such as prompt scripts, and costume designs. Video database from AMU
from outside AMU
(login needed)
Dance in Video Performance and rehearsal footage (traditional ballet, hip hop, street dance, and modern dance). Instructional materials, documentaries, interviews with performers and choreographers.
Access is valid until the end of 2026.
Video database from AMU
from outside AMU
(login needed)


Classical music, opera, jazz, dance. The largest classical music audiovisual library in the world: concerts, operas, ballets, documentaries, and master classes. It offers also streamed live events.

Video database, online TV

Login needed

Met Opera on Demand

More than 750 full-length performances of the Metropolitan Opera in New York. Multi-language subtitles. Searching in works by the title, composer, singers or musicians.

Video database

Login needed

Naxos Music Library

A collection of over 2 million recordings of mostly classical and jazz music from Naxos, Marco Polo and other labels. It also includes texts: opera synopses and librettos, instrumentation of works, analyses, etc.

Music database

Login needed

Grove Music Online

Encyclopaedias and dictionaries on music: opera, jazz, women composers, American music, musical instruments, etc. Includes audio examples of music.

Encyclopedia online

Login needed

FAMU Films

FAMU student films. Over 500 films, dating from the school's foundation to the present. Videos with teachers explaining the essence of each exercise. Mostly the option to turn on English subtitles. Available free of charge for FAMU students and teachers. To request account activation, please email marek.koutesh@famu.cz.

Film database

Registration needed


Notable works from beyond the mainstream produced in Czech Republic and all over the world: documentaries, festival hits, and arthouse cinema, films of all lengths, types, and from all eras of cinema history.
We regularly issue sign-up calls – please, follow the news on our library website, facebook and your mailbox! Next sign-up call is expected in September 2023.

Film database

Registration needed






Citace PRO

Application for generating citations. Enter the title of the book or article, ISBN or DOI and the system will generate the citation for you using data from verified sources.

citation manager

login needed


Application for creating and managing citations. A free version is available.

citation manager

free access


Software for management and analysis of qualitative data. AMU has 5 licenses available. You can request to borrow a license by emailing eliska.mlynarikova@famu.cz.

research application

borrow a licence


Online tool for fast and accurate speech recognition and speech-to-text transcription. Automatic transcription and subtitling of audio and video. You can request an application (number of hours for transcription of your audio/video recording) here.
It takes a few days to process an application, even longer than a week during the summer, so please apply well in advance.

speech transcription app

borrowing  the app