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by-elections for THE ACADEMIC SENATE OF FAMU - 2024


Pedagogical Chamber (number of votes in brackets) - elected members of AS FAMU: 1. Kamila Zlatušková (154), 2. Martin Ožvold (112)
Student Chamber - elected members of AS FAMU: 1. Jan Čadek (126), 2. Mikoláš Arsenjev (106), 3. Sarah Slavíčková (77)
Substitutes for co-optation to AS FAMU: 1. Barbora Aradská (62), 2. Tomáš Hájek (56), 3. Johana Ožvold (48), 4. Sergen Kahraman Çotak (29)

FROM THE Resolution of AS FAMU dated 1 December 2023 – Election to AS FAMU:

With regard to the fact that the mandate of five members of the Academic Senate of FAMU (“AS FAMU”) is expiring, AS FAMU is announcing by-election for the respective member positions.

  • The by-election will be held on 5 and 6 March 2024 as follows:
    - electronically at https://volby.amu.cz/ on 5 March from 10:00 am to 24:00 midnight 
    by ballot in the FAMU building, Smetanovo nábřeží 2, Room U7 on 6 March from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm 
  • The AS FAMU by-election is organised in order to elect two (2) members of AS FAMU from among the academic workers and three (3) members of AS FAMU from among the students.
  • Each member of the academic community has the right to vote.
  • Each member of the academic community of FAMU may run as a candidate, subject to the following exemptions:
    - the senator position is incompatible with the Dean position, and the candidateship is incompatible with the membership in the election panel;
    -  if a student is also an academic worker, they may vote and/or run for the teachers’ chamber only.
  • For more information, refer to the Election Rules of AS FAMU approved by the AS AMU on December 22, 2020.

You can find detailed information on how the vote is organized, along with a comprehensive manual, by clicking on this link: HERE.


  • Martin Ožvold, department of sound (nominated by Petr Kubica, Petr Marek, Johana Ožvold)


  • Kamila Zlatušková, department of production (nominated by Tereza Czesany Dvořáková, Petr Kubica, Petr Marek, Václav Myslík, Ondřej Zima)


  • Barbora Aradská, department of documentary film (nominated by Marcela Mencelová, Jakub Ondráček, Tomáš Riederer, Sarah Slavíčková)


  • Mikoláš Arsenjev,  DEPARTMENT OF DOCUMENTARY FILM (NOMINATED By Vojtěch Cibulka, Jakub Ondráček, Mikuláš Svoboda, Hana Šormová, Jan Vališ)


  • Sergen Kahraman Çotak, Montage (nominated by Tomáš Doruška)


  • Jan Čadek, department of production (nominated by Tereza Czesany Dvořáková)


  • Tomáš Hájek, department of scriptwriting and dramaturgy (nominated by Vilém Dojiva)


  • Johana Ožvold, doctoral study program research and theory of audiovision (nominated by Natália Antoňáková, Tomáš Janáček, Jakub Kudláč, Tereza Reichová)


  • Sarah Slavíčková, department of directing (nominated by Barbora Aradská, Františka Bakošová, Jan Galda, David Jařab, Lea Teodora Kolevská, Daniel Novák, Viktorie Novotná, Jakub Ondráček, Tomáš Riederer, Markéta Sehnalová)