AS FAMU elected David Čeněk with a ratio of 7 votes to 2 and recommended the Rector of AMU to appoint him. David Čeněk should assume his office on 20 May.
Pursuant to Act No. 111/1998 as amended and the Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of FAMU, the Senate hereby announces that the selection of candidates for the position of the Dean of FAMU for the 2024–2028 term of office is commencing on 1 December 2023.
- Proposed by doc. Mgr. Marek Vajchr
- Proposed by prof. PhDr. Jan Bernard, CSc.; Bc. et BcA. Tomáš Hlaváček; BcA. Vojtěch Konečný, BA; BcA. Michal Jiřinec; BcA. Matěj Lindner; Bc. et BcA. Rudolf Mašata; BcA. Matěj Paclík; RNDr. MgA. Alice Růžičková; MgA. Sarah Slavíčková; BcA. Allegra Stodolsky; BcA. Nora Štrbová