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The Academic Senate of FAMU elected David Čeněk with a ratio of 7 votes to 2 and recommended the Rector of AMU to appoint him. David Čeněk should assume his office on 20 May.


Pedagogical Chamber (number of votes in brackets): 1. Kamila Zlatušková (154), 2. Martin Ožvold (112)
Student Chamber (number of votes in brackets): 1. Jan Čadek (126), 2. Mikoláš Arsenjev (106), 3. Sarah Slavíčková (77). Substitutes: 1. Barbora Aradská (62), 2. Tomáš Hájek (56), 3. Johana Ožvold (48), 4. Sergen Kahraman Çotak (29)


Pedagogical Chamber (number of votes in brackets): 1. Alice Růžičková (101), 2. Martin Ožvold (82), 3. Jitka Hejtmanová (73). Náhradník: 4. Pavel Rejholec (59)
Student Chamber (number of votes in brackets)1. Tomáš Hlaváček (97), 2. Barbora Aradská (81). Substitute: 3. Lucie Sasínová (60)


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