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Department of Theory and History of Audiovision (KTHA)

The Department of Theory and History of Audiovision

václav moravec


Václav Moravec works at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism of Charles University’s Faculty of Social Sciences and at FAMU’s Department of Production in Prague. He completed his bachelor’s and master’s programmes in journalism and media studies at FSS CU. He earned his doctoral degree at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava in social politics and social work (2012) and at FAMU in the theory of film and multimedia productions (2015). He specialises in audiovisual media in an era of digital mediamorphosis, journalist ethics, and automated and AI journalism. Has authored the monographs Proměny novinářské etiky (2019) and Média v tekutých časech (2016) and co-authored the Slovník žurnalistiky: výklad pojmů a teorie oboru (2017) as well as the monographs Od mikrofonu k posluchačům: Z osmi desetiletí českého rozhlasu (2003) and Dějiny českých médií v datech (2003). As a journalist, he worked at Czech Radio and the BBC’s Czech Office. He has consistently worked as the anchor and dramaturge of Czech TV programmes, Otázky V. M. (since 2004) and Fokus V. M. (since 2015). He has won several awards for his journalistic work to date (including Novinářská křepelka, Elsa, TýTý etc.). A member of FAMU’s Artistic Board and the Academic Senate of FSS CU (since 2019).