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FAMU International



If you have completed a Bachelor’s Degree in film or a related field and wish to expand your knowledge and skills, enroll for Montage, a 3-year follow-up Master’s Program at FAMU.

This is a full-time program taught in English. Applicants are expected to have a keen interest in cinema, literature, fine art, and other related fields. Applicants should demonstrate the capability of analytical reflection, a sense of image and composition, communication ability, and independent thinking.



Applications for studies in the 2025/2026 academic year must be submitted including all required documents and works by January 24, 2025 (Please note: all the deadlines are running in the Central European Time. Deadlines include the last given day, until 23:59:59.)

The admission procedure has two rounds – in the first round, admission committee evaluate the submitted materials; selected applicants are invited to the second round in the form of a MS Teams interview aimed at verifying the applicant’s talent and knowledge more in-depth.
MS Teams admission interviews will take place no later than March 7, 2025. Applicants selected for the second round will be informed about the details regarding the interview in a timely manner.
During the admission procedure, applicants are required to demonstrate their knowledge of the English language at least on the B2 level under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

In order to successfully submit all the necessary documents, the applicants are required to complete the following:

Fill in the online applicaion form in article 1 and upload all the required documents stated in articles 2 – 11 according to the instructions that can be found here
In order to obtain login and password please send an email to montage@famu.cz
Please name all documents as follows: “Your_full_name_MON_2025_number of assignment” 
(e. g. “Sergei_Eisenstein_MON_2025_2”)


1. Application 

  • An application form is available on-line - here.
  • Please upload the application along with the requisites described in articles 2 – 11.
  • Send an email with a confirmation of the successful upload to montage@famu.cz - you will receive a confirmation once the upload is checked by the admission officer.

2. Scanned passport 

  • A scan of the pages in your passport that state your date of birth and full name.
    Name it “Your_full_name_MON_2025_2” and upload it.

3. Letter of recommendation

  • A letter of recommendation from a current or previous teacher outlining the applicant’s ability and motivation to study. The letter must be sent directly to montage@famu.cz by the person providing the recommendation. The referee must provide the full name of the applicant for whom they are providing the reference.

4. Structured CV 

  • Your structured CV. Name it “Your_full_name_MON_2025_4” and upload it.

5. Cover letter 

  • Motivation letter (1,000 words maximum). Please describe: 
    - Your motivation for and expectations from studying MONTAGE at FAMU
    - The expected topic for your theoretical thesis 
    - Your idea of your graduate project 

    Name it “Your_full_name_MON_2025_5” and upload it.

6. Administration fee 

  • A scanned certificate of having deposited the application fee of CZK 967 (or EUR equivalent) in the account number provided below. Name it “Your_full_name_MON_2025_6” and upload it. 

The deposit must not be lower than CZK 967 regardless of other banking or transfer fees. 

Account owner: AMU – Akademie muzickych umeni v Praze 
Bank details: Komercni banka, Malostranske nam. 23, Praha 1, 118 00, Czech Republic 
Account number: 19-5373180297/0100 
Variable code: 33-00-011

Specific code: [application code you obtain via prihlaska.amu.cz]

Swift Code: KOMBCZPP 

IBAN format of KB account: CZ 5301000000195373180297 

Message for the payee: “MON2025“, your name and surname, [application code]”.. Please make sure that the message for the payee is exactly in this format.

Each applicant is entitled to pay the fee for the actions related to the admission procedure at any time from the moment of submitting the application for studies, but no later than January 24, 2025.

7. Diploma scan 

  • A copy of your Bachelor’s Degree diploma. If your Bachelor’s diploma is in English, there is no need to translate it.
  • If your diploma is in another language, we require an English translation.
  • Please upload it and name it “Your_full_name_MON_2025_7”. 

    Please note: to enroll in September you need to undergo the diploma recognition procedure.


8. Short film 

  • A short film (40 minutes maximum) demonstrating your qualities as the editor. 
  • A film must be uploaded on either Vimeo, Youtube or GoogleDrive in HD and the file has to be downloadable.
  • Please make a .doc with a link of your work and name it “Your_full_name_MON_2024_8_film” and upload it as previous files.

9. Written analysis 

  • A written analysis (600 – 1,200 words) of a worthwhile and authoritative film of your choice. Aside from a general analysis of the film, you should focus primarily on its composition – the dramatic structure. Mention usage of significant film language in the movie and explore its links of the visual part and the soundtrack. 

  • Name it “Your_full_name_MON_2025_9” and upload it.

10. Photographic storyboard 

  • A storyboard with a maximum of 17 shots demonstrating your ability to tell a simple story with a series of photographs. We do not want to see a description only. The individual images represent the shots in a silent movie and you indicate their order in a sequence with numbers in photograph titles. Each snapshot captures the typical phase of the expected shot in terms of both content and composition. Where the content or the composition of the shot changes significantly during the intended shot (with camera movement, acting etc.), you may use two photographs for illustration, capturing the typical beginning and ending phases of the expected shot (indicated e.g. as ‘2a’, ‘2b’). Each such pair of photographs represents just one shot out of the maximum of 17 shots. Specify the title of the storyboard in an attached text document, suggesting the plot in not more than three sentences. The storyboard itself must be comprehensible even without any accompanying text. Since the content, continuity, composition and structure of the storyboard is assessed, applicants are required to take the photographs by themselves. Developing the photographs by themselves in the dark room is not required.
  • All images must be uploaded as .zip and named “Your_full_name_MON_2025_10_photostory” 
  • Upload the document with the name and content of the storyboard separately and name it “Your_full_name_MON_2025_10”.

11. An audiovisual self-portrait 

  • A self-portrait (one minute maximum) must be uploaded on either Vimeo, Youtube or GoogleDrive in HD and the file has to be downloadable.
  • Please make a .doc with a link of your work and name it “Your_full_name_MON_2025_11_selfportrait” and upload it as previous files.

Applications will be accepted for admission subject to the compliance with all of the aforementioned requirements. We kindly request all applicants to please make sure that all documents submitted are named as requested, that non-English speaking films include English subtitles, and that they are submitted in a correct format. 


  • The application deadline for the academic year 2025/2026 is January 24, 2025.

 (Please note: all the deadlines are running in the Central European Time. Deadlines include the last given day, until 23:59:59.)

  • After the entrance exams, applicants can follow the status of their admission/non-admission decision at: https://prihlaska.amu.cz
  • The tuition fee for academic year 2025/2026 is 300 000,- CZK
    Message for the payee: “Your_full_name_MON_2025“.

Deadline for the applicant to inspect the material that is relevant to the decision to accept or not to accept it.

The applicant may inspect the materials that are relevant for the decision on his admission or non-admission to study, after delivery of the Dean's written decision, no later than 30 days after delivery of this decision. The date or method of inspection must be consulted with the secretariat of the relevant department.

Method of assessing the excuses for absence at the entrance examination, or the possibility of taking it on an alternative date.

If the applicant was unable to attend the second round of the admission procedure for very serious reasons, he may ask the Dean of FAMU not later than the day following the date of the second round of the admission procedure by a written application for the possibility to take it on an alternative date. In the application, the applicant shall substantiate the reasons for his absence by a relevant and reviewable document. The Dean, in cooperation with the Chairman of the Examination Board, will immediately assess whether or not the application can be met due to the timetable of the ongoing admission procedure and the capacity and personnel capacity of the faculty. The applicant has no legal entitlement to an alternative examination date.

Faculty reserves the right to not to give a personal feedback, comment or consult submitted works or provide further instructions how to improve in the case of rejection.