One Year Intensive Course
The directing course is built on the system of mentor-led workshops providing small groups of students (five or less) an intensive guidance on how to transform a creative idea into a fully realized short film.
The one year program offers an intensive hands-on experience and academic disciplines with mentorship enabling the student to complete several art works by the end of the academic year. The program works well to prepare students for studies in a particular discipline.
The course gives you intensive experience without the need of a longer commitment. The course helps you improve your skillset and portfolio (within the exercise parameters) to apply confidently for degree studies at the top institutions in the field (including degree programs at FAMU).
The production of all scheduled practical exercises and final film is included in the price of tuition.
The One Year Intensive Course (originally Academy Preparation Program - APP) at FAMU aims to provide its participants the opportunity to explore and become acquainted with the broad range of crafts, professions, arts and skills that comprise the artistic endeavor on both a practical and theoretical level.
This filmmaking hands-on program includes a large variety of practical student projects and exercises in formats from DSLR to 16mm.
Course based on a mentor workshop (up to five students). In the workshop students work under one-on-one tutorship and develop their practical assignments.
Filming exercises digital and 16mm with given creative limits.
A small excercise on 16mm
A documentary portrait on digital
A final short film on 16mm
Students enrolled in the one year program create their own study plan based on a combination of core courses, optional courses, electives, workshops and projects within their selected track. All courses, seminars and workshops award credits under the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).
Teachers and mentors in the program include full-time faculty from the eleven degree-granting departments of FAMU, as well as other artists, academics and film professionals as part-time faculty.
As an entry-level course the program is best suited for students interested in attaining a thorough background in a given specialization before pursuing more in-depth studies.
Mandatory seminars and courses provide theoretical background for creative part of the study program. Core courses provide a broader education into both local and film/photography culture, and include classes and seminars in:
1. Film History, Photography History, Theory and Criticism
2. Arts and Culture
FAMU International also provides a wide range of short and intense Friday or weekend workshops (called Modules) that comprise a vital aspect of each student’s educational experience. The program starts in the middle of September and ends by the end of June. Precise dates are given specifically for each year.
All students will receive a transcript of completed courses in accordance with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). These credits are accepted by and transferable to universities, academies and advanced institutions of higher learning throughout the world.
All students who successfully fulfill the requirements of their study plan will receive a Certificate from FAMU International.
Please note that acceptance into the FAMU International one year Academy Preparation Program does not guarantee admission into further studies at FAMU, however the portfolio of main works completed within the course provides application material expected for most advanced studies of the discipline.
Uploading all requirements stated in articles 1 – 7 according to the instructions to be seen here.
For the login and password please contact
Please note that all documents should be named according to this pattern “Your_full_name_APP_2025_name of the assignment” (e. g. “Angelina_Jolie_APP_2025_form” or “Angelina_Jolie_APP_2025_selfportrait) and then uploaded.
Download the application form, complete it and e-sign it.
Name the form following the pattern “Your_full_name_APP_2025_form” and upload it. Alternatively, you can print it and fill it in by hand, then scan it, name it appropriately and upload it. The admission to each specialization is equally competitive. Please choose your specialization based on your preference.
Specializations are as follows:
Directing Fiction
Documentary and Non-fiction
Editing and Creative Post-production
Animated Film
Introduction to Film Sound
Brief description of the applicant’s academic and artistic records. Please also state level of English you speak. Name it “Your_full_name_APP_2025_CV” and upload it.
From all previously attended institutions. (Secondary school transcripts are not necessary for those with higher levels of education.) Name it “Your_full_name_APP_2025_transcript” and upload it.
Please submit the following:
For Directing Fiction:
a. short film which you have directed | Upload a .doc with the link for the film and name it “Your_full_name_APP_2025_film”. Film must be uploaded on either Vimeo or Youtube in HD and the file has to be downloadable.
b. a 3 to 5 page treatment for a short fiction film |Upload as one doc file named “Your_full_name_APP_2025_treatment"
c. a list of 10 films from any period and style of film history that you consider important for your personal inspiration to date | Upload as “Your_full_name_APP_2025_inspiration”
A short personal essay on what the applicant expects from her/his studies as well as what the applicant believes they can contribute to the creative and intellectual environment of FAMU, and the reasons they would like to come and study in Prague.
Name it “Your_full_name_APP_2025_intent” and upload it.
One minute video self-portrait. Upload on either Vimeo or Youtube in HD (it has to be downloadable), please make a .doc with the link of your self-portrait and name it “Your_full_name_APP_2025_selfportrait” and upload it as previous files.
A scanned certificate of having deposited the application fee of EUR 65 (or CZK equivalent) in the account number provided below must be submitted with every application. Name it “Your_full_name_APP_2025_deposit” and upload it.
The deposit must be EUR 65 exactly, regardless of other banking or transfer fees.
Account owner: AMU – Akademie muzickych umeni v Praze
Bank details: Komercni banka, Malostranske nam. 23, Praha 1, 118 00, Czech Republic
Account number: 19-5373180297/0100
Code: 33-24-23
Swift Code: KOMBCZPP
IBAN format of KB account: CZ 5301000000195373180297
Message for the payee: "your name and surname, 360 33 24 023". Please make sure that the message for the payee is exactly in this format.
Minimum 18 years of age, with completed secondary school education
Start of the orientation week: September 15, 2025
End of the second semester: June 30, 2026
Not provided by FAMU. These are the responsibility of the student. FAMU provides accepted students with an Acceptance letter which serves as one of the required visa application documents.
all including 21% VAT
EUR 10,700
Directing Fiction
EUR 23,490
Documentary and non-fiction
EUR 18,490
EUR 21,990
Editing and Creative postproduction
EUR 14,990
EUR 9,990
Animated Film
EUR 16,990
Introduction to Film Sound
EUR 11,990
The production of major Workshop Projects is covered by the tuition fee paid for the program.
Please note that if you would like to pay in two installments – for each semester separately, a surcharge of EUR 80 including VAT applies to the fee for each semester.
Terms of payment and refund:
Students may not enroll unless the fees for the coming term are paid in full or the Office has received written confirmation that grants or loans are forthcoming. Fees should be paid through bank transfer.
Checks should be made payable to:
Account owner: AMU – Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Bank: Komerční banka, Malostranské nám. 23, Praha 1, 118 00, Czech Republic
Account number: 19-5373180297/0100
Code: 33-24-023
Swift Code: KOMBCZPP
IBAN format of KB account: CZ 5301000000195373180297
Message for the payee: "your name and surname, 360 33 24 023". Please make sure that the message for the payee is exactly in this format.
Faculty reserves the right to not to give a personal feedback, comment or consult submitted works or provide further instructions how to improve in the case of rejection.