Place Is The Space
Public Workshop I - Capturing Acoustic Space: an introduction
Artistic Research with Eric Rosenzveig / CAS
Saturday November 30 from 12:00-18:00. to participate or for more information
Capture acoustic spaces for use in your projects - music, video & film, media projects, sound art, games.
Join artistic researcher Eric Rosenzveig for a half day workshop on how to capture real world spaces virtually, for use in your own projects. Beyond ‘room tone’ learn how to build reusable reverbs from any real physical place. Open for non-musicians, this basic introduction, in the field and studio, will quickly and easily demonstrate how to take impulse responses and use them to create convolution reverbs. Easier than it sounds, it’s a simple procedure for anyone making media these days.
Workshop space is limited, accustic space is infinite.
This public workshop is open to any interested participants.
Public Workshop II in early 2025 will focus on multi-channel & Ambisonic space.
Tento výstup vznikl na Akademii múzických umění v Praze v rámci institucionálního záměru projektu "Place is the Space" podpořeného z prostředků Institucionální podpory na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace, kterou poskytlo MŠMT ČR v roce 2024.
This output has been produced at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague within the institutional project "Place is the Space" supported by the Institutional Support for Long-term Conceptual Development of a Research Organization, granted by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2024. Thanks also to FAMU.
22. listopadu 2024